It's been a while since my last update, while I have so many things planned. Why, you ask? Because my computer decided to cheat on me. Because my computer decided to leave me. Because my computer decided that he no longer wants to be part of my life. Better yet: he decided to no longer be my life.
I'm talking about blue screen of death. Yes. It has happened to me. It's one of those things you never expect to happen to you until it does. And it did. My sadness goes beyond human conceptions. Thank God for my iPhone! (Which I'm using to write this post)
Anyways, no worries because I will find a way to still post my things, but it will take a little more time & more effort now. Still, no worries!
Just keeping you updated about my heartache and my sad loss.. BUT I will see you soon!
Update: I dropped my phone in oil when I wanted to do a hair mask, so no more iPhone either. I am cursed for life. Bye, you can find me crying a la Leonardo in a corner. In the fetal position.